Personal Choice Carers at Home would like to welcome you to our Blog pages... here we will be adding all the latest news and information we think you may enjoy reading....


at a time

10 Years of Personal Choice Carers at Home

We recently celebrated our 10th Anniversary - we celebrated by holding a party for all our carers and Service Users, past and present. It was a wonderful afternoon, the tea was fl...  more  

Learning how to Save Lives....

Yesterday, we had the pleasure of Paul Baker from Bakers Training Service, coming in and training some of the girls on their "First Aid at Work" Course.  more  

Madeline Celebrates her birthday

This week we celebrated the lovely Madelines birthday....  more  

Welcome to Melisha

We'd like to welcome another lovely new member to the team. The lovely Mel (Melisha). After a career in beauty and with previous caring experience, Mel has decided to return to c...  more  

Dementia Dictionary

The next level in Dementia training   more  


A simple gesture can mean the biggest reward, a smile.  more  

Caring for a loved one

Family members caring for loved ones.  more